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Abstract: Made To Suffer

For many years, I tried to hide.

At first, from shame and then pain, and finally from suffering.

I stuffed myself into football, pornography, church, and the bottle.

Later, I found more morally acceptable, yet shadowy places labeled purpose and destiny. 

I was convinced I could work my way away from shame and heart break, from sin even, by finding the proper path.

That my life would be tranquil and easy if only I obeyed God. 

What immaturity and foolishness.

Grief and agony are like bloodhounds, and they will find me wherever I hide.

Down crooked alley ways and in pitch black closets, they will sniff me out with bailing woofs and hollers. 

And now I know, in life, there is no era or destination devoid of death, offense, or pain.

Believe what you will, but loved ones will suffer and die, joy will be stolen, and your treasured mind will not be able to mend the cracks in your reality.

All who live, will suffer. And no amount of money or Holy Ghost will change it. 

The clear message I now hear, from the Lord, has not been about my suffering, but of that which will come.

And I can run or stand- suffer the joyless days of a coward, or the noble plight of a man.

For with holy men, those He calls brothers, nothing we do is in vain.