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Abstract: Life In The Tongue

“Am I the asshole?”

Is a reoccurring question,

after a moment of honesty with another.

A previous version of me,

was nice and agreeable,

and dishonest.

I wasn’t a liar,

but I kept my truths to myself,

my deep hopes and childish dreams,

the ancient wounds and broken thoughts.

They would bubble up at times of despair and loneliness,

when I needed emergency surgery on my life and emotions.

But, I’m trying to live more honestly, intentionally,

with less trips to the ER.

I want to be healthy, and isn’t honesty good for us?

The cliche “best policy?”

As with anything new, I am a novice,

a child learning to use my honest legs.

I’m bound to rap my head on floor a few times,

and run into glass walls I didn’t know where there.

But, walking is better than crawling,

and running is healthy for my heart.

Lord, teach me.

May I learn how to speak in a honest tongue,

and always give life with my words.