Abstract: Intention

What is it to choose?

Our clothes for the day’s work,

Our food at breakfast- yes to eggs, but no a banana,

or the people we will text and to what end.

Regardless of our rationale or excuses,

our choices, our intention, reveals something about us.

It is not the whole picture, mainly because the multitude of humanity chooses what they must do,

rather than choose to be who they are and what they are.

I consider myself blessed,

By God and His hand,

though poor by most standards and unwed by every measure,

I decide who I am, without the normal excuses afforded to my piers in middle age.

I can feel their laden eyes burn through the back of my soul,

“Just you wait,” they scoff.

“Wait for marriage and kids and bills.”

I can only smile back.

They are correct, if I choose to live my life they way they do,

I will come to the same dead-end of living a life of “what I should do.”
I will look tired and cast my frustration on the “system” or some anonymous collective of bastards “out to get me.”

Or…I will decided to live and be a man of purpose and destiny,

an example to my children, of a man not pissed at what I must do,

but grateful and determined to follow the Lord’s lead,

with great joy and waves of laughter.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Abstract: Newton’s Laws


Vol II: #66 No Islands in the Kingdom