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Abstraction: Human Desire

Found at the bottom of the chest, beneath the blankets and odd trinkets.

The simplest longing,

Old as humanity,

Evidence of my Eternal DNA.

I’m afraid to admit what I’ve found.

I’m afraid to recognize some part of me is like you.

I want to be special.

I wanted the desire buried in my depth to be unique.

So, I can be unique.

My purpose greater than most.

My life worth living, noteworthy, and admirable.

But, when I look at what lay at the base of all the rest, I feel ashamed.

And more shame, because I feel I am like you, not distinct but the same.

I’m suppose to be different.

My life more than ordinary.

How can something so common lead to anything extraordinary?

Here I sit, crossed leg and left eye twitching,

As I try to find the words to confess I am human.

With ease I write,

I want to love people.

My mom, my friends, and my enemies.

The next step is to expose what I found beneath that,

I want to be loved.

More than loved, because I am already surrounded by it,

From my mom, my friends, and my enemies.

I want to love and be loved, by her.

(Whoever her will be.)

The fear faced and the admission made,

I know what I want is good and human.

An original, Eternal desire,

Planted by the Holy Spirit when we were still dust.

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