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Abstract: Hope All Things

I’m a better man when I want to impress a girl.

I dress as well as my wardrobe will allow,

my workouts are easy and quick,

and I walk a little taller than I would.

The difference isn’t in the behavior,

but in the belief.

Oh sure, I act different,

but it all starts with what I think is possible.

I feel like I’m a bit worse of a man when the threat of romance is off the map,

my diet fails, plans go un-lived,

and I dress like a hobo.

I don’t like my dichotomy.

I prefer to be hopeful in all things and at all times,

and this conflict of desire versus reality exposes a truth:

I lack hope, real hope, the kind of hope only Heaven produces and can never be stolen,

not by heart break or rejection, or failure.

The hope of Heaven is without end,

and no amount of pain can defeat it.

That’s what I want for me,

for my life and for those around me.

Lord, teach me to hope all things.