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Abstract: Finally, Accountable

This is Walter Scott running from a cop in Charleston, SC. Without video Mr Scott’s death would’ve been ruled self-defense. As you can clearly see, the officer was in no immediate danger from Mr Scott, and certainly not in a life-threatening situation.

When I was a kid,

and the police shot a man,

it was always in self-defense.

Case opened and closed,

no investigations,

no trials.

Then the wheels of time turned,

our phones into cameras,

and we learned,

the reporters were wrong.

On May 26th, 2020 the official Minneapolis PD statement read,

Man Dies After Medical Incident During Police Interaction”,

on the day Derek Chauvin choked George Floyd to death.

I suppose a Yankee medical incident is the same as Southern self-defense,

when there aren’t any people of justice,

willing to risk their lives for the defenseless.

Yet, even with video, eye witnesses,

and a wrap sheet a mile long,

Some still think Mr Chauvin is innocent.

Seeing is not believing,

because racism is a liar,

with the ability to justify any horrid act.

But…today is a day to celebrate a victory,

to soak in the only verdict acceptable before God and humanity,

Derek Chauvin is guilty.

Drink in what a functional justice system looks like,

hold it with both hands,

close to chest, and tight.

Today the Minneapolis Police Department was held accountable,

the next step is justice,

and a reality where the Derek Chauvins do not have the opportunity to protect and serve.