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Abstraction: 5 Loaves, 2 Fish

The need was great,

A multitude of people in search of a King,

They found Him, like all hungry people do, in the Wilderness.

Away from comfort and order, He touched their hearts and healed their broken bodies.

The Gospel in action.

But, they needed more.

The folksy wisdom of His students spoke,

“Send them away to eat and sleep.”

Once again, they offered only lack.

The Teacher’s reply?

“You feed them.”

Once again, He challenged His pupils.

“We do not have enough. What shall we do?”

Unfazed, still teaching and demonstrating what faith is, the Master went to work.

He didn’t see five loaves of bread and a few dead fish.

He envisioned five-thousand people fed.

Where the disciples saw lack, Jesus saw provision.

And then, He created a space for the Father to love His children.

Perspective is powerful. When we focus on what we lack we will always lack. When we are thankful for what we have, the Lord will bless it beyond our comprehension.

There is always enough. I am always enough. You are always enough. He will always provide. Your focus determines your blessing.

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