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Abstract: 20 Years Ago

Bin Laden won,

his prophecy fulfilled.

America is full of fear,

from coast to coast.

We fear immigrants and trans activists,

anti-vaxxers and gun owners.

The media stirs the pot,

two puppets of the same master,

his plan on display though often ignored.

But, this is not our fate,

just the midnight moment,

when all seems dark.

I believe in another prophecy,

utter by a madman,

and forgotten by the masses.

America will be full of faith,

from seas to shining sea,

regardless of Faith.

We will risk everything for love,

and for each other.

For what is freedom without love,

what is equality without freedom,

and what is a government that does not protect its people?

Yes, Bin Laden’s master won the battle,

but my Lord will win the war.