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Vol IV: #48 Writing and Writing, Update

Hi everyone. Just a quick note. I’ve begun to focus more on my novel, which means less blog. But, rather than make excuses, I want to get back to blogging and crafting short stories. It’s a good outlet and I enjoy having short term goals. Accordingly, I will finish each of the three short stories I have in progress by the mid-March. Those being West Virginia, The Mountain, and O Charlie. Trying to write three at a time was not smart, so I’ll focus on finishing West Virginia, then O Charlie, and finish with The Mountain.

That’s it. Short and sweet today. (As for the novel, I’ve backed up a bit and focused on outline- completed- and have now begun character sketches. I needed to determine the order of events and build out my character to determine how they’d interact as the story unfolds. All good stuff.)