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Vol II: #71 Words and Belief

Words are merely words whether they be lies, directions to the ball game, or a food critique. It is what we believe about words- written or spoken- that shape our lives. Belief matters more than words, for words cannot shape or erode what is settled in our hearts. And, temptation only exists in areas of our lives that are not settled. A thief steals because he does not believe tomorrow will provide for his needs. A prostitute gives away the most intimate part of herself because she doesn’t see any other value in her bathroom mirror. A single, 40 year-old man, dreams big and does little because his dreams are safer than his reality.

The true power of words are what they reveal about us and our beliefs. Do we sink under the weight of criticism or lack of recognition? Can your team win? Does your heart soar when complimented only to be depressed later? Or, do you chose to speak life over the dry clumps of earth in your heart?

What we believe matters in how we talk to ourselves and what we receive from others. And, I’m convinced we cannot hear the greatest love songs from the Father because we do not believe they exist. Jesus himself said everything starts in our hearts. If our hearts are sick or broken, then our brokenness will align with broken words and reject words of life. But, should we choose to trust the Lord, and allow Him to speak to our hearts, then our lives become one of faith and hope and joy.

(This post isn’t cohesive. I’m ok with that. I’m on to something.)