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Journal: #159 Why I Love 2020

Only a few cold days left in 2020. I’m probably in a small group of people who aren’t ready for it to end. Despite COVID-19, civil unrest, the elections, a breakup, and a failed business partnership…2020 has been my favorite year as an adult. Crazy, eh? I just can’t hate any part of this year. It’s been a life changer, and I am forever grateful.

The single biggest positive change is my life is the total dedication to my relationship with Jesus. To the best of my ability, I’ve run after the Lord as He instructed in Matthew 6:33. Instead of trying to fix myself and all the parts of it, I’ve started by running after the Holy Spirit. This year we built a relationship based on trust, honesty, and faith. And the fruit is obvious. While I still experience sadness, anxiety, and frustration, those feelings don’t dominate my life or how I see myself.

Now, I am able to find joy in each day no matter how difficult a day it was. That’s a good place to be. So, 2020 has been a year of favor, grace, and love. I want carry its with me the victories and wisdom into 2021 and beyond.

Over the next ten days I will list my top ten favorite moments of 2020, and I already gave you a preview of #1.

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