Journal: #328 What’s Your Favorite City?

16-year-old Nik would be shocked at 41-year-old me. He wants to know what happened, what changed? 16-year-old Nik loved cities and dreamed of living in New York one day. He was enamored with the smelly streets, towering buildings, and endless ways to spend money. That boy grew into a man who still loved cities, but then something happened.

Today I asked a man “what’s your favorite city?” This question seemed natural in the context of our conversation. He was a random stranger we (David and I) encountered in line, waiting to get into the World War 2 museum. In the span of a few minutes, our new friend told us how often he moved in his youth. The man went to three different high schools. Hence my question. (DC was his answer.) I half expected him to ask the same question back, but he didn’t. I mentally answered the question anyway, and my reply shocked me.

Redding? Really? Not New York? Charleston or San Francisco? Nope, nope, and nope. Redding. Yes, that Redding. Redneck, too conservative for its own good, hot as balls Redding. Wow. I know. I know. How does Redding compare to San Francisco? Or Austin? It doesn’t. You can’t compare Redding to any major city. It’ll fail every time. I think what it is I appreciate Redding most of any city.

I’m not a teenager seduced by a big city. The lights and food options are boring (not really, but it’s not a huge factor as it was.) Who cares what the food is like if I spend my life battling traffic or dodging actual human shit on the sidewalk? Life for me is about people. How can anyone live when we spend so much of our lives in a car? We don’t. That’s the truth.

When I say Redding is my favorite city, what I mean is I appreciate it the most. If I can convince my mom to retire and move there, it’ll be perfect for me.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Journal: #329 Week In Review


Journal: #327 My Friend David