Vol IV: #49 What We Allow

In what I’ll label an intense conversation, someone recently told me his girlfriend would rather accept the creepy advances of a jerk on Instagram than rebuke the bastard or block him. Apparently, she’s afraid of “what he might do if she hurts his feelings.” My heart broke for the stupid girl. At a young age she’s already learned to lay down and take the misery.

And look, I get it. Most women learn to be weak and accept the bullshit lobbed their way by society- mostly by men. The physical difference is real. But for all the rah-rah women empowerment of the last fifty years, the lay down and take it mentality is completely unacceptable. By God and Heaven above, I will never teach that fearful way to live to any little girl proceeding from my loins. (Nor any son.) I teach them to use guns and fight and whatever is necessary to be strong and powerful.

And to clearly state my position, I’m not talking about picking a fight with every jackass. Wisdom is a our best friend and will steer us away from fights better left unfought. But, in general, I’m talking about refusing to take shit- abuse, unwanted advances, and tyrannical treatment- from other people. The acceptance of abuse leads to all sorts of brokenness in our lives: poor physical health, internalized resentment, and mental problems. (And yes, we can and do abuse ourselves.) In the end, when we accept abuse, we are saying we don’t deserve better. We agree with the abuser’s judgement and wickedness directed at our being. This can’t be.

That poor girl is making a dangerous choice by accepting the creepy messages from an idiot. And that’s what I told her partner.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Short: Prepared, West Virginia


Abstract: Vice