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Vol IV: #64 Us vs Them

Of the myriad of offensive trends of the last five years, I hate the “ok, boomer” trend. Mostly, I hate the judgement of that generation or any generation. And it’s always the same shit. The old people are too stuck in their ways while the young people are lazy and entitled. Right? Isn’t that what’s been said since the beginning? From my seat, my generation has too many issues to go around being a dick to everyone else. (Technically, I’m Gen-X, but I act and possess values more similar to Millennials. Regardless of my proper place, my previous sentiment is applicable to either group.)

I think we are scared little shits, to be frank. When faced with uncertainty, we predictability choose to fight or run, or freeze. And there is a time to fight and time to run. But we aren’t that wise. We do drugs and blame authorities, deflecting our responsibility. I heard it in the voice of friend today, but it might as well have been me. We also avoid going out in public and conflict of any kind. So when the moment comes, the inevitable bumps of life, we are completely unprepared to thrive. And gratitude? Joy? Sacrifice? Yeah buddy, fuck that. Nope, we are in our lates 30s and 40s, still blaming our parents and teachers, pastors and preachers. We love our drugs and our subscriptions, our deliveries and good intentions. And we will refuse to be wise, damnit.

Yes, the baby boomers made their mistakes. They gave us drugs- both legal and illegal-, high fructose corn syrup, and STDs. And don’t get me going on disco and bell bottoms. But, they know what sacrifice is. They knew how to go to work and provide for a family. And I think it’s time we cut them some slack. So, for my people, we’ve got to many problems to go around point out the flaws in everyone else.

Lord, I pray for courage. Courage to follow your lead, away from our addictions and self-pity. Toward wisdom and grace.