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Journal: #275 Ugly Wins

Today is a day of going through the motions. Sure, I’m typing, but I feel disconnected. My heart’s not in it, not in writing. All of life seems like a dull ache. It’s ok. I refuse to submit to judgement or cynicism. Just because I feel distant now, doesn’t mean I’ll feel that way tomorrow. Tomorrow brings all the unused potential of today, all the hope, and all the joy. I know it.

Some victories mean more than others. Some victories are easy and natural, while others are ugly and laborious. Today is an ugly win. I didn’t want to write this blog entry or pray or walk today. But…I’m writing. Soon, I’ll cross the 10k step marks, and the Lord shall hear my voice. I’m not gonna stop pursuing the Lord. I’m not gonna stop loving Him, or stop allowing Him to love me.