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Journal: #258 To Love Me

I thought last summer was the fight of my life, for my person and future. It wasn’t. Last summer, under the motivation to prove myself worthy, instead I made significant strides toward how I interact with myself. With all the external motivation gone, I’m left to myself. So now what?

The idea that last summer prepared me for this year is not new. As soon as the bullshit of 2021 began to roll in I knew 2020 was a setup for what was to come. In 2020 I learned to live from a place of faith in the Jesus, what loving myself looks like, and how to persevere. The last domino to fall was the final acceptance my ex wasn’t coming back. 2020 finally dead, it’s seed beginning to sprout in my life.

In September, my life will change again. I’m looking forward to it. For the next 15 weeks, the fight will be to love myself and be the best me without and external motivation. My opportunity is to continue to show at His feet and attend to my heart. That’s my summer task, to love me.