Vol IV: #62 Thursday Rant

I hate being asked the same question when my answer has been nothing but consistent. Usually, no. (I hate it so much that whenever I find a women willing to marry me I will not marry her until she understands. I’d rather die alone than married to a nagging woman.) And I take it upon myself to set the record straight with offending individuals who did not intend to offend. But once I’ve said my piece I expect change. The loving/respectful souls sort themselves out quickly and honor my request. The hardheads and dipshits bumble on, shocked when they find they are no longer part of my inner circle.

My life would be easier if I were more chill, but that’s not who I am. When a friend continually mentions taking a trip to LA or suggests a meal I know they won’t attempt to make, I start to feel pressured. My shields go up and I practice yelling at them, zinging them and driving my point across with great force and eloquence. Why? I don’t know. Some people are better at rolling with the intolerable demands of others. I am not. (At least, not yet.) I have to step back, go for a walk and beg Jesus for forgiveness. Then I practice a stern but more kind version of what I’m going to say the next time they ask.

Admittedly, I don’t like feeling this way or confessing how angry I become. It’s silly. I’m silly. But also, I’m asking the offender to stop pestering me. And while I am a hypocrite in many areas of life, on this I am steady. Why can’t they be more chill and move on, Chinese water torture someone else with your expectations.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol IV: #63 Protesting Hypocrites


Vol IV: #61 Sons and Grief