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Vol IV: #57 This Time, I’m Opting Out

Trump vs Biden round two is on deck this fall. And while true, both men are idiots and represent something terrible about us, I no longer care who wins or loses. And why? Because neither man is what they say about him- for better and worse. Trump is no hero (or Christian), but neither is he Hitler. And Biden is no communist, just a powerful old fool.

By my count, they both contributed to the inflation eating our paychecks and savings accounts. Neither solved the border issue or produced a comprehensive answer to immigration. And black people are still getting shot by cops (though you don’t hear about, because…well, you know why.) Also, in my view, each man had their stances I agreed with- supporting Ukraine against the Russian invasion(Biden) and prompting Europe to pay for it’s own defense (Trump.)

Trump is and will be a lying, abusive man. That’s who he is. And he will ride the Christian right to victory if possible. (Proof that Christian leaders can be duped by flattery and lies.) Joe Biden is a corrupt robot, spreading woke ideology with every speech and signature. He’s a puppet of bigger forces and we all know it. Matter fact, we know who they are and what they’re about.

And as I consider the what’s to come- an endless parade outrage and fear, more conspiracy theories and lies- I choose to opt out. 2016 and 2020 taught me well but also wore me out. I’m tired of the debate. I’m sick of the fighting and arguing. And this year, I refuse to give up my peace.