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Journal: #176 Surrendered To The Expert

This week has an absolute battle for myself. I’m tired of fighting ghosts, and arguing with people who aren’t in my life. I’m not under attack, but I feel that way. As my counselor said on Wednesday,”it’s in your head.”

She’s right. I have a good life, and I am blessed beyond measure.

I have parents who love me, friends who care about my life, and a God who is never angry or unkind. I am loved and worthy of love, not matter what. So, despite the Battle of January, I will keep fighting. I’m not giving up on me, because I’m worth it.

I love me, and I believe in myself.

I wish I could control my brain, and maybe I can. Perhaps, it’s a process to be learned. Regardless, I will not be swayed or turn from the path I decided to follow last year. This is the mountain I am climbing, and I aim to see the top.

Last summer, when I hiked to Ramona Falls, I wanted to turn back. The internet told me the trek was 3.5 miles each way. After 4.5 miles, I began to wonder if I was lost. How much further is it? My legs burned, and I was starting to get hungry.

I’m glad I stayed to the trail and didn’t turn back. Ramona Falls was even better than I expected, and totally worth the trip.

As of this moment, I feel like I’m halfway on my way to something. I believe in something good at the other end, but…is it worth it? Yes. Of course, it is. In any case, what would I turn back to? What’s my recourse? I honestly don’t know.

I’m not going back to a world of cigarettes, porn, and alcohol. There’s no going back to self-pity and despair. Whatever this moment is- the emotions, thoughts, and grief- is nothing compared to what I’ve experienced in my past. It’s good for me to remember that.

Walking with Jesus and running after the Kingdom of God is not a candy lane to sunshine and bottomless joy. I wish that were true. It wasn’t for Jesus, so it won’t be for me. I will create space for faith and gratitude, peace and grace. He begins when I stop fighting or trying to sound smart. He honors my truth, then injects His reality. I can think myself into a gutter like anyone, so it takes the Expert to elevate my soul beyond my genius.

Winning isn’t in my intellect, but in my surrender.

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