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Journal: #283 Stay the Course

Bit of a blah day today. I feel queasy and sleepy. Fortunately, work is in a bit of a lull, with no serious projects on the horizon. (By no serious projects, I mean most of my work is day-to-day marketing tasks- emails, project management, ad reviews, etc.) I did misspell the word restaurant in a tweet, which was caught my the CEO. That’s not good. He’s a good man, but there is a limit to such mistakes. I prefer not to make it again.

As for today’s post, I don’t have much. I made the decision to change my writing schedule, which will happen in July. The main goal is to improve my writing. After that, I want some time back. What it will look like to my readers is Monday-Wednesday-Friday will be journal days, while Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday will be poem days. This new schedule will give me the opportunity to write and properly edit my posts. Currently, I scan each post before I post them, but not as I should.

Writing everyday is a slog I enjoy. I didn’t understand what I was doing when I decided to write 330 journal post in one year. I’m glad I set such a big goal. Turns out 330 journal posts is a lot of posts. So last week I thought about changing my posting schedule now. Why wait till July? Well, because. I set a goal, and I love myself too much to give in now. This is blog post #283. Holy cow. That’s a lot. I owe it to tomorrow Nik to keep the chain going. No change, not until July.