Vol II: #99 Spicy And Simple

One motivation I had to go to Nepal was to try the cuisine. Simon often bragged about it when we talked food. He said he missed the spices and called American food bland. He’s not wrong. Nepalis adds spices and chilis to every single dish, sauce, and piece of fruit. And, if I grew up eating this way, I’d think American food was bland too. (Let’s be fair to Simon. Most of his meals in Redding were of the dorm cafeteria variety.)

I must admit I thought the food in Nepal would be more complex than simple. Most of the dishes I ate contained a handful of ingredients- rice, a bit of protein, and smattering of herbs. More curiously, we ate several dishes topped with bits of uncooked ramen noodles, potato chips, and a spicy red sauce. This is how people eat when they focus on survival and ingredients are limited. And most people in Nepal simply trying to live.

Simon is a bit spicy. He likes to joke and make fun of the people. What I love about Simon is he doesn’t tell a sob story about his country or city. When I asked him what his favorite aspect of Kathmandu is he said,”the opportunity here.” He said it plainly as any visionary would. Most people look at Nepal and see a dirty developing county with limited resources and a corrupt government. But Simon sees what the Lord does when he looks out on his people. I love that about him. He will defend Nepal with his life, and that conviction will win people to the Lord.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol III: #1 Back From Pokhara


Vol II: #98 Greetings From Beautiful Kathmandu