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Journal: #304 Silence Over Crowds

I woke up later than normal this morning and felt a nagging need to be productive. I told myself “today is Saturday” and sank bank into bed for another hour. This laid-back approach to the day led to an unplanned— yet serene- day. I decided to go hiking around Mount Lassen, my favorite spot. According to the internet, the weather is perfect and most of the trails are open. I packed a lunch, some water, and off I went. But once I got to the park, I didn’t stay long. The post-COVID travel rush is real. All my normal spots- Kings Creek, the Upper Meadow, and Bumpass Hell Trail- were jammed with people. The license plates, while mostly from California, represented states from as far away as Georgia and Florida. I was also happy to see a handful of plates from our neighbors to the North.

I took a long way home, which led to almost four hours in the car today. Not exactly the plan. It’s ok. I enjoyed the quiet of the ride. No radio or phone, just me and the late spring sun. It was good. I thought about all the people I know or met. It’s a lot. I thought about the life I live, how different it is from my parents. Change is the true constant. Nothing profound or original. My heart needed a rest today, and I’m ok with that.