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Journal: #257 She’s Looking For Me

The older/wiser I become, the more I know what to look for in a woman. Long gone are fantasies and misplaced expectations. The fights will come, and in those moments choose to be in it rather than run. Does she love herself? Honor herself? Believe in who the Lord says she is? Or, does she expect her partner to provide all the answers? You don’t have to know me to know I’m looking for emotional intelligence and self-possession. I’m want her to have some answers.(And hugs. Always hugs.)

While walking through the forests of Churn Creek, I prayed about my future mate, mainly I’m tired of waiting. And yet, I’m glad I’m single. The joy I have for what the Lord did in my life over the last year is gigantic. I’m where I need to be. As I relieve myself by the creek, I had a thought strike me so hard I began to cry mid stream. Yes. While I peed, I began to cry due a simple thought. There’s a woman looking for me. To think, there’s a fine lady looking for me? The notion never occurred to me.

As I type this post, I am the most me-ee I’ve ever been. I know who I am and what I want. I know how I want to spend my days, nights, and weekends. What a time to be alive. And what a perfect time for her eyes to be open. Who am I to complain? The Lord saved me from being old and full of regrets.