Vol II: #87 Real Sh-t Part 2

God bless people who make travel international arrangements for groups and tourists, or anyone. The process reminds me of my amateur status in regards to international travel. I’ve been to Russia and Canada. And, I did zero work to make either trip happen. This trip is all on me to plan and execute. Good Lord, what a task.

What’s great about having most the trip booked is I can begin to plan about my days in Paris and Nepal. Halfway through my escapades yesterday, I realized I’ll be all alone. (I know what you’re thinking: NO SHIT, NIK.) I felt scared and vulnerable for an hour or so. Of course, I’ll be alone in a new country, new culture, with limited ability to communicate in French. That’s what I signed up for, right?

After my brief panic, I reminded myself of two very real facts. First, I am going to Paris on the instruction of the Holy Spirit, not your average American tourist. And two, it’s Paris. The city full of life and culture and history. I’ll start my days at a Catholic mass- where I am to bless them in prayer- and then on to any number of parks, museums, or monuments. Accordingly, I already purchased my ticket to the Louvre and plan to spend my last full day in the Musee de Louvre. In all my life, I have yet to go to a museum alone. I can’t wait because I’ll be able to stare at whatever painting or sculpture I want, for as long as I want. (And, the site has 16- yes 16!- cafes and canteens to service the patrons. What-what?! The prices are reasonable enough?! They will literally have to kick me out of the building. I said all day and I meant ALL damn day.)

As for Nepal, I have little concerns for what or how that portion of the trip will play out. My new friend Simon has made all the necessary arrangements and I’m looking forward to seeing his smiling face. Simon is in his mid-20’s after living in an orphanage. He’s mentally strong and always ready with a joke. But, he’s serious about the Gospel too. I have a lot more peace when I think about going to Nepal because of him.

For the rest of the week, I’ve got a punch list of travel tasks to complete e.g. secure a euro electrical plug, purchase an international phone plan, etc. As I watch this trip go from an idea to a reality, it’s getting more real and I’m starting to get excited. I like that.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Short #3: Valley Stream


Vol II: #86 Real Sh-t