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Journal: #234 Ordinary Miracles Explained Pt 1

I am way too tired to get into this tonight, but tomorrow will be a real humdinger. What I will preview now is the idea- my reality- that the Lord speaks to us. I have believed and lived in the state for a long time. I’ve been in it so long I often fail to consider it for the miracle it is. I talk to God and He talks back. Every time. It’s bonkers to say aloud. Not many people, including fellow Christians believe this is possible. Yet we few- we happy few- dare to wade into the impossible. What a life we lead.

When to I stop to reflect what the prophetic really is in our lives, I ask how can we continue to run around “looking” for miracles. They literally happen everyday. It’s time to recognize this daily supernatural reality for the gift it is. Thank you Lord.