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Vol III: #73 New New Goals

At the start of the year I wrote about my goals. I described my intent to write my first book and finish a massive sculpture. Those are still my goals, and I will complete them one day, replete with champaign toasts and fireworks display. But it will not be this year. Instead, I decided to deepen my foundation in the fundamentals of both endeavors. I’m gonna draw thousands of circles, spheres, and landscapes and spend the next year writing short stories. To support these goals, I enrolled in classes. As they say, “it’s important to put skin in the game.”

The reason why I took a step back is I want to have a solid foundation as an artist and author. Part of the reason I’m a good cook today is because I’ve taken time to learn the basics like cutting vegetables, layering flavors, and accounting for my environment (every kitchen is different.) And I built myself as a cook by cooking every day, with intention. I don’t carelessly through ingredients in a pan hoping for the best, rather I test and taste and adjust. A month ago I made a pot of beans. They were delicious except for the beans were a tad under cooked. No worries, I simply cooked my latest batch for 15 more minutes, stirring more than previously to ensure the top beans were as tender as the beans on the bottom. And I want to bring this approach to my most desired trades.

The world of drawing and painting and sculpture is full of textures, materials, and techniques. The simple mixing of oil paints is skill requiring years to properly master. I can barely draw a circle at the moment. So my choices are either to insist on being great now or learning to be great over the coming decades. It’s a maturity and perspective I wish I had ten or twenty years ago. Thankfully, I have it today. While I have a time to be broke and time to develop.

Going forward, the plan is to pay my dues and learn and grow. I’m not going to be one of those people who tried to do something for a while and gave up. I’m not going to stop because I’m too old or was undeveloped. I will run my race and I will finish it.