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Journal: #314 Moving Out of the Wilderness

The wilderness is an essential part of the Christian life, and it’s been discussed by many people. I will not belabor my point. But as a reminder, the Jews walked out of Egypt into 40 years of desert wonder. John the Baptist was so wild; that’s where he lived. Even Jesus pulled a tour of duty amongst the sand and rocks. It is a place we must all go, but none are meant to stay. This concept of leaving what we know to venture into what’s possible is a big part of joy and frustration. All of us are excited about the possibilities, yet few of us ever set foot in our promises.

The journey from the wilderness to the promised land is a solitary trek. The trip requires effort powered by faith. Most of us have the courage to leave abusive environments but lack the faith to step into the calling and gifts the Lord made for us. Sadly, we settle in the desert, learn to survive on drops of water and occasional morsels of meat. Our hopes and dreams turn into mirages— painful hallucinations of what will never be. All the while, the Holy Spirit remains at our sides, ever-present and faithful.

As a man trying to leave the desert forever, I will now testify. It’s hard to move from my familiar dry place to the unknown. But, I am on the move. In the last year, I pushed past old traps and comforts. Each day I complete my routines is one day closer to walking in the fullness of my promised life. The main thing is to keep the Lord the main thing.

While in prayer yesterday, I told the Lord I can’t go back. The conversation arose from my doubts. At that moment, I had questions for the Lord.* Always faithful, He answered. I can’t go back to self-destructive eating and watching life pass. I can’t stop writing or praying. There’s too much life in it. Slowly, I’m starting to look forward to each day rather than dread them. I see opportunity rather than pain, and I accept the probability of disappointment. So be it. Living in the land between bondage and promise isn’t fun or interesting. I’m ready to love and live. Time to move.

*My intellect is susceptible to the atheist argument. Even with all my time with the Lord and all I’ve experienced, doubts creep into my mind. Every day, I choose Him. I know better. I would be dead without the Holy Spirit.