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Vol IV: #46 Morbid Thoughts and Gratitude

I thought about my oldest nephew today and for the first time considered his death. What a truly sad thought it was, leading to tears and a new fear. I can’t imagine my life without T. We’ve grown close since his ascent into adult life and in many respects he’s the little brother I never had. I hated thinking about his death, inevitable as it is. And I truly hope it’s after my own. But, we never know.

Death has been a frequent visitor in my life, careless in his raids, taking young and old alike. And I probably think about him too much, though I’m not afraid of him as I was. We will all pass under death’s hand before going to meet the King. And cliche as it is, I truly believe when it’s your time, it’s your time. Only the grieving and the foolish consider otherwise, playing the fruitless game of “what if.” (Ironically, few play the same game when life is good. No one sits around crying about almost failing or nearly dying. More often than not we smile and laugh and move on. As we should.)

In regards to my nephew, I turned my fear into a prayer for his safety, as I do in all such moments. Then I thanked the Lord for his life and the blessing he is to me.