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Journal: #178 MLK Taught Me To Love

Martin Luther King Jr is a man I think about on a regular basis. Even though we never met, he’s not a random or unimportant figure in my mind. His book “The Measure of a Man” (which is more of a collection of essays) is one of the books I recommend to any Christian. I read it at a time when my faith was in transition from evangelical charismatic Christianity to whatever I am today. In the book he makes a compelling biblical case for the value of humanity and the fullness of love (self, others, and God.)

To say Martin Luther King influenced my walk with the Lord and my theology is an understatement. He was the first person to put the concept of righteous self-love into my head. It took me another 12 years to figure out what it looks like, but nonetheless I got here. He also helped hone my concept of grace.

No one is beyond the love and favor of the Lord, including the darkest criminal heart.

These holy concepts of Love without discrimination and Grace without reason are the foundation of how the Father sees His creation. It’s a big f*cking deal.

When people casually dismiss the detention of children at the US border with Mexico, this is not love. When my fellow Christians want to deny equal rights to sinners, it’s not love. More importantly, when we demand perfection in the people around us, when we shame ourselves and hold onto fear, when we gossip and belittle the weakness of another, none of that is love.

Love is a big f*cking deal.

Love is patient and kind…to all people.

Love isn’t jealous of what anyone else does, or has, or accomplishes.

Love is grateful and hunts for the good in each person and moment.

Love doesn’t remember the offense of yesterday.

Love hopes all things for out shitty bosses, lousy neighbors, in-laws, and ex-business partners.

If we have money, eloquence, power, fame, the ability to heal or see the future, but we do not have love…we ain’t shit.


Love is the greatest and most powerful gift in our universe, and yet we dismiss it so effortlessly. It’s what propelled Jesus to live His life and face His murder. It’s what drives Him still. Prophecy, miracles, philosophy, technology…none of it set the world on its ear like the radical God-man did 2000 years ago. And His message to us was one of Love, his Father’s love.

And yet, leaders in the church are obsessed with “holding the line” and being “watchmen.” We focus on behavior modification (sin) and cute church programs. The heart of America is dying and we focus on justice? Equality? Freedom? None of it is worth a damn without love. Love includes justice, freedom, and equality.

We cannot love God and ignore ourselves. We cannot love others without loving ourselves. And we cannot properly love ourselves without Loving Him. I’m not making this up. Jesus literally said what I just said in Matthew 5 and 6.

All of the law of the prophets is fulfilled in two simple commands: Love God, and Love your Neighbor the way you Love yourself. To love God is to pursue Him, to pray and listen, to worship and respond. To love ourselves is self-care- physically, mentally, and emotionally. And to love others is to fight for the rights and opportunities you want for yourself.

If you have good healthcare, you should fight for everyone to have what you have. It’s should not be left up to the market to determine who lives or dies, who receives care and who doesn’t.

If you eat a good diet, you should fight for proper nutrition for your neighbors.

America has become a cesspool of me-first politics, where few of us try to see a situation or issues from another’s perspective. We all have and use our own facts to serve our self-interests. But, this is not the Gospel either.

Whatever you do for yourself, that’s what you should want for others. More importantly, what would you want if you were in someone else’s shoes?

It was Jesus who said to walk two miles when a person asks for one, to give without expecting anything back, and turn the other cheek when struck on one side.

I could not live in the mountains of West Virginia without questioning the wisdom of the “free market” and what it did to the people of those mountains. I cannot sit with my African American brothers, read the histories of how southern cops were often the very KKK members burning their churches to the ground, and hold my compassion back when we see black men shot down like dogs. And, I will not listen to those cooks from Mexico who sent money back to their families, how they are trying to get their sons away for the cartels, and tell them to go back home.

I will not apologize for questioning the conservative Christian narrative I was fed by people like Rush Limbaugh, FoxNews, pastors, teachers, and anyone else too concerned with “justice” to show a damn bit of compassion for their enemies. I see very little Jesus in any of these people. (Love does not encourage a victim to remain a victim, but it sure-as-shit doesn’t tell broken people to heal themselves either.)

No preacher or pastor should ever step on a stage without talking about the love of the Father at least once. But, entire ministries are devoid of it. They can go weeks and months without every using the word. So what do we see today? Ministers obsessed with the election, doom and gloom prophecies.

They speak of “talking a stand” and “righteousness.” I pity them. Truly. They do not know the Love of the Father. They see the body of Christ as an army (an analogy Jesus NEVER used.) We are not an army. We are a family. We were meant to love and create, not fear and fight.

Love is a long game not a program. It’s a way of life, not a strategy. It only comes from the throne room of the Lord God Almighty.

With this in mind, I speak the following:

Lord God, Creator of time and space,

My Holy Father,

Forgive us. Forgive me. We have not followed Your word, but we long to do what is good and holy. Forgive my countrymen and women for preaching a Gospel devoid of what matter most. And, I repent for judging this generation of church leaders and their flaws.
I love my country, and I refuse to concede it to the forces of lies and darkness. I call forth the Love and Grace of Heaven to be poured out on every man, woman, and child from Hawaii to Maine, the cities to the plains, on the Democrats, Republicans, atheists, and especially those of us who running after You.

In the sweet name of Jesus, I reject and bind the spirit of violence, of conspiracy, and death. I release love and kindness. I beg you to ignite the desire for peace in every member of your body. Lord, put us on the Lamp stand and let us shine.

May we be the loud and confident to sing the song You give us to sing.

Holy Spirit, baptize us in Faith. Pour it out on us. Show us how to push the evil back into its hole without hurting the lost. Release a fresh wave of your wisdom and encourage our hearts.

Lastly, by the Power of the name of Jesus, I cast fear out of America. Jesus, deliver us from this evil. Yank this beast out of our conscience and processes. Fill us with Your Spirit and hope eternal.


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