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Journal: #254 Looking Forward to Summer

Later this week the temperature in Redding will rise above 90°. It will be the first ant to the picnic. Many of his friends will soon follow. For our part, we try to hang onto the last pleasant days of Spring. I’m looking forward to high temperatures and endless sun. My plans include spending as much time as I can outside- hiking, swimming, finding shade late in the day when the temperature breaks and slight breezes cool the air. The odd part is I hated summer time, until last year.

I come by my dislike of summer honestly. The summer months in Columbia, South Carolina are a swampy oppressive mess. It’s humid from sun up to sun down, and the mosquitoes are aggressive. The only respite are the afternoon thunderstorms, but only on occasion. The aftermath of a banger ranges from delightfully cooler temperatures to a sauna like affect. There’s nothing worse than a mid-morning thunderstorm followed by even more humidity. The air sticks to your lungs and completely negates the purpose of our excretory system. I spent most of those summers mowing the lawn, dusting the den, and dodging vacation bible school. I desperately tried to avoid the bugs and haze.

Into my teen years, summer became about preparing for the upcoming football season. While I loved football, I hated workouts and practice. Then into my early 20’ through my 30’s, each summer became a time of endurance. I didn’t understand I didn’t need to hate summers (even though my heart loves autumn, her colors, cool mornings, and long shadows of each afternoon.) I had to embrace what summer offers. Only took me 39 years to figure it out.

As hard as last summer was, I found myself in the Lord. I rediscovered by heart and began to write. The Lord gave me vision for my life and led me onto a new trail. It was the sweetest time in my life, and in the matter of a few months erased my hatred of June, July, and August. The shift was sudden as I now find myself looking ahead to hottest months of the year. I expect to advance in life and in the kingdom this summer, because that’s my new normal.

It’s the goodness of God for Him to redeem something as small as how I anticipate upcoming seasons of life. And if He sweats the small aspects of our lives, how much more does He care about our bodies, future relationships, and jobs. Mucho. That’s how much more. Mucho. That’s the word I give myself, and I embrace all the promises He gave me.

Thank you Lord for loving me and redeeming time and seasons. You are good.
