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Journal: #181 I Am Strong

Do you cringe when people give you a compliment, but secretly love it? I’ve been that way. For as long as I can remember I wanted praise and recognition. Then, when the moment came, I couldn’t barely receive the kind words and appreciation. Odd, right?

What’s up with that? Why do we deny ourselves the thing we want? It’s illogical.

I’ve recently received a series of compliments, and rather than reject them I accepted them. I didn’t think twice on it until later in the day. One person called me a mountain goat, and another spent a few minutes detailing the strengths I bring to our marketing team at Cultre. (The mountain goat comparison was about being stubborn- in a good way.)

What I loved about each of those moments was I didn’t need to coach myself into accepting kinds words. Thank God. And yet, there’s a place for them. Kind words are like a drink of cool water you didn’t know you needed. The immature and the entitled can’t accept kindness for the Grace of God it is.

I don’t count myself among the wisest or most mature Christians on the planet, but I am determined to grow and learn. (Considering I am unmarried and without children I figure I’ve still got a lot to learn. It’s a challenge I embrace.) I want to have days like today, when my developer is AWAL so it falls to me to finish a website. We can only grow strong with the wind blows.

My life could get infinitely more difficult in the coming weeks and months. And, that’s ok. Given what I believe about myself and confirmed by others, I’m a stubborn man who brings a lot to any situation or environment. Whatever comes, I was born to overcome it with my face to the Son.

Lord, you know what’s going on in my life, and you know I love you. I’m so thankful you took time to build me up and form me into a man ready for the coming hurdles.

I love you, and I’m not letting go. Amen.

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