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Journal: #219 Honest With God

Honesty with God is important. It’s important to me. I tend to do this thing where I hide my thoughts from God and pretend everything is ok. Or, try to make everything ok. It’s not intentional on my part. I am still developing my ability to be completely open and honest with the Lord.

Yesterday, I felt a huge relief when I finally told the Lord about some doubts in my heart. They were about Him. This life of faith isn’t a straight line or one of perpetual bliss. I know it. Heck, the Lord told be this year would be like a rollercoaster back in January.

He knows what’s going on me, so my honesty is more for me than Him. I can’t seem to move through a problem if I don’t confess it. In any case, I’m not going to get down on myself. Practice makes perfect. I’ll spend the rest of this week being honest, to keep my heart free.

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