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Vol IV: #69 Hard Not to Believe It’s Going To Shit

This week I’m going my best to stay away from YouTube, my last remaining social media account. And, it’s a hard task to complete. YouTube has worship music, football highlights, cooking vids, animals, and plenty of funny people. And for that, I love it. But, like a bad girlfriend, the positives aren’t outweighing the negatives. Not at this point in my life. I’m just not disciplined enough to limit my watching to only the good stuff.

And in all honesty, the biggest reason I left YouTube was because I’ve felt more hopeless than ever, after each political clip or social commentary. The sky is falling? Right? According to loud mouthed liberals and whack job conservatives, yes, it is. And while we face tremendous hurdles, I find no solace in the complaining rants of content creators, no matter how good their intentions are. And since YouTube (and Google) are intent on serving me the most “consumable” content, complaining rants is all I’m gonna get. Plus, I’m tired of “random” pro-atheist videos popping in my feed. Like I just listened to worship for an hour, why do you think I want to listen to Ricard Dawkins? (That’s intentional, the atheist stuff. The moral values of the folks at Google are painfully, obviously anti-Christian, not indifferent. To this point, I don’t use Chrome as my web browser or Google search. The results are censored.)

The very fact Google knowingly and openly censors search results is enough feel gloomy and hopeless. What are we to do? Who can we trust? When will western society collapse in on itself? These are all questions I’ve asked myself over the last year. Thankfully, I don’t need an answer to any of those questions. I don’t need Google or endless videos because I’m rooted in something else. And by stepping away from idiots websites, I can face my Hope. And, I embrace whatever comes. Should western society fall, we will rise to form something new.