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Journal: #157 Happy To Be With My Family

It’s day three of my four day Christmas trip to South Carolina, and I’m enjoying it. I’ve had a blast my parents, and Christmas at my brother’s house was fun. No drama. No tension. Just love, old stories, and lots of laughs.

At my brother’s house I consumed more sugar in eight hours than I have all year. This morning I woke up with a sugar hangover. It’s like an alcohol hangover- achy head, tons of inflammation, and lethargy. To combat my high blood-sugar level, I drank water and coffee and ate a few healthy meals after. I feel much better now.

Regardless, I do not foresee a cookie or chocolate truffle anywhere in my near future.

Despite my dance with the glucose queen, this visit to my native land has been one of my most successful yet. In addition to the food, I haven’t gotten my walks in or found time to spend with the Lord. I know He’s there, ever patient. More importantly, I know I’m ok. A few days with a different routine will not take me down. I’m not doing anything wrong. Feels like a I’m a new man compared to my past.

I thank God for this new way of life. When I get back to California, I’ll get back to my routines. It’s ok if I enjoy this moment with my family. One way or another I don’t have many Christmases left with them as single man, so I will let gratitude fill my heart. And, I’ll be thankful when the time comes, when I’m no longer able to have them all to myself, I had time to spend with them.

Maybe I can’t eat my normal diet, go for long walks, or blast worship for hours, but I can be grateful in all things. So, I will.

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