Vol IV: #41 Happy 2024!

The final two weeks of 2023 I did something I never do. I allowed myself to shut everything down to take a break. No writing. No drawing. No reading. Nada. And it was awesome. The break revealed how much I need space to relax and unwind from my normal day-to-day life, which isn’t a complaint. I love my life and I’m thankful for it. Breaks, pauses, and vacations are good. And now, I’m ready for 2024 with all the twists and turns to come.

My main focus for 2024 will be to live intentionally, in the moment. Much like an airplane does not assemble itself, life doesn’t move forward without planning, scheduling, faith, and doing. And I’m planning to do a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. In support of my intentions, I spent the last two days transforming desires into goals and goals into tasks. I even integrated my project management software with Google calendar. All I need to do is follow my schedule, one day at a time, and the goals will complete themselves.

The real trick is going to be navigating the moments when the task feels heavy and important. And that voice that whispers bullshit in my ear is loud and my confidence is hiding behind a tree. And I’d rather reach for my phone or slip into a day dream. 2024 is about sitting in those moments, slowly and intentionally. It’s about telling that voice to piss off. It’s about staying committed to the task and the schedule and reaching for Jesus instead of anything else.

As I recently said to a good friend, I’m going to boss 2024 instead of allowing it to boss me.


Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Abstract: Do or Not


Abstract: Compelled