Vol III: #58 Gotta Forgive, It’s Magic

I’m not going to wax poetic or take write more than paragraph to drive home my point today. Forgiveness is vital to walking with the Lord and learning to love. And unfortunately, forgiveness often feels like a weakness or a requirement. We hear it mockingly thrown at us by our opponents, and the enemy will remind us of forgiveness to shame us when we hold onto pain and grief.

Forgiveness is a choice, it’s love, and it is a sign of strength. For starters, the Lord is always forgiving us, each of us, all the time. And He would not command us to do something we cannot do. Secondly, ask Jesus said, the more we forgive, the more we increase our capacity to love. Show me a bitter and vengeful person, I’ll should you someone who can’t forgive or actively chooses not to forgive. Lastly, true forgiveness requires a strong heart. We don’t forgive as a means to control or manipulate the other person. We forgive to release ourselves of a burden. And in doing so, we find the power to move on, toward our destiny. I find it useful to add “and I release them from any debt owed to me” when I engage my super power.

And make no mistake, forgiveness is like magic, a true power. Show me the man or woman leading a movement, building a business, or creating big things, and I’ll show you someone unburdened by their wounds or enemies. The most modern example we have was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He lead a movement based on Jesus’ commands to love and forgive. He wasn’t special but he did possess special powers, and we can have them too.

And now a few more tidbits:

1) Forgiveness is not a technique or method to control others. Don ‘t expect them to change because you cancelled their debts.

2) Forgive as often as necessary. Once the enemy knows someone hurt or offended you, he’s going to use your pain to hold you back. Practice rebuking that asshole and forgiving the people whenever you’ve allowed the offense to take root.

3) Forgive everyone, including yourself and the Lord. Yep. I just wrote that. Forgive the Lord. This might seem prideful but answer this: have you ever been anger at the Lord? Wondered why someone died or suffered abused? Ever shook your first at the sky and screamed “WTF GOD?!” If yes, then I advise you to let go of what you thing the Lord owes you.

4) Boundaries are still a thing if when we forgive. Again, forgiveness is not about the other person or side. If someone is abusive, gossipy, or complains non-stop, you don’t have to suffer their sin. Love is patient doesn’t mean we’ve have to sit and listen to an endless stream of bullshit or standby while someone abuses others.

That’s all y’all. Enjoy your Thursday.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


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