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I can’t believe I went exactly four months between installments of West Virginia. HOLY CRAP. That’s insanely too long between installments. And all I can do now is laugh. Seriously. No point in beating myself up, but also…wtf, Nik. LOLOLOL.

In fairness to myself, I needed time to decided the direction of West Virginia. While I’m using my very real experience to shape and move the story, I needed to add fictional plot lines and people. And some details will be a blend of moments or people. For example, instead of having two roommates, I’ll only have the one, named Malik. And Malik will be two parts roommate, one part fiction. And for me, this is the hard part of realistic fiction, deciding which people and details to preserve, what to cut, and what to make up. (Gary and Mary was almost complete fiction, which was fun. My memory didn’t box me in.)

Anyway. Hope you had a good Monday.