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Journal: #121 F*ck COVID-19

Back to the “New Normal”

Yesterday, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new round of  statewide COVID restrictions. My county, Shasta, was one of the many placed into the Purple Tier, the most restrictive. “Non-essential” businesses are to close, and those to remain up must do so under strict regulations. What is a non-essential business? Every business is essential to the owner, the employees, and the vendors in business with that business.

The bigger toll is the social/relational toll. Most people seem to understand the seriousness of COVID-19. We need to wear masks and keep socially distant for the sake of the hospitals. If they are overwhelmed, people will die. I get it, and I’m growing more fatigued under the strain of the moment. Today, on my morning walk, I ran into my friend Shari. She is a former nurse and her husband recently recovered from a serious bout with coronavirus. We stayed about ten feet apart as we talked about life in 2020. Then we said our goodbyes.

My Covidian Experience

It was a painful discussion with Shari. I’m a physically affectionate man, so I love a good hug. For obvious reasons, Shari and I did not exchange hugs today. I haven’t hugged someone since Friday. Feels like I’m starving. While I didn’t get the full COVID experience last spring, I am now.

It f-cking sucks.

Earlier this year, I was in a relationship with a physically affectionate woman. It was fantastic. We held hands, exchanged long hugs, and generally enjoyed being in contact with each other. It was everything I wanted. She was what I want. Until May, our relationship was a nice distraction from what the greater world was experiencing. I had this wonderful person in my life, and I enjoyed my community. The restrictions didn’t keep us from living our lives. We hung out in small groups, went on walks, and generally made the most it.

In retrospect, I think the quarantine affected her in ways I couldn’t relate to. In my mind it was temporary thing, a passing experience. She seemed to take it more seriously and worry about what the future held. I was just too happy to find someone I loved as much as her. (To give myself some credit, I had faith everything would be ok. No matter what.)

The New Battle

This is a snippet from the NY Times. From the last Presidential Debate.

And now…I’m alone. I still have faith everything is going to be ok, but I’m sick of the masks, Zoom meetings, and travel restrictions. I’m sick of the online war, social media fights, and conspiracies. When Joe Biden said “we might be dealing with this into 2022,” I wanted to smash the TV. Like hell bro. I’m not wearing a mask into 2022, and I’ll be the first in line for a vaccine (I believe in science.) But, the biggest hurdle is working from home. With very few reasons to leave the house, I have to force myself outside.

Fortunately, I have friends reaching out to me. That’s good. Beyond that, I decided I’m not going to keep my head down and bemoan what I don’t have. I live a great life and serve a big God. He knows I need hugs and love. He knows I what I my heart needs, so I know I am prepared to live through this moment.

I don’t want to be a mere survivor. I want to thrive. I want to grow. So, I choose to proclaim God’s promises over my life and my house. This too shall pass. I was made for such a time as this, and I am more than a conquerer. My faith and life force doesn’t come from me, but the One who made me.

The COVID-19 outcome is murky at best. It could get worse, but I will pray for the best. Either way, I will stand on Him and in Him. When I wake up, I will invite Him to lead me.

And, I will shine.

Lord, empower the doctors, nurses, and all medical staff to treat the sick with wisdom and love. I demand and ask in faith for supernatural distribution of resources and vaccines. More than that, I ask for supernatural healings. To the sick currently in hospitals, I declare healing and miracles for your hearts and bodies. I command the hospitals of America to become testimonies to the love and kindness of God.


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