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Vol III: #10 Faith of the Witnesses

Have you read the Book of Hebrew? The first nine chapters are a bit boring. The author- often believed to be Paul- knew the Old Testament. And, they used that knowledge to build a case for Jesus as the Messiah and what his life means and represents. Chapter 7 features a weird reference to Melchizedek before moving onto a “New Covenant.”

But then, Chapter 11 happens. The author began with a soaring definition of faith, as the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. From there, they chronicle from Adams to David the faith of the Saints: Noah to build a boat, Abraham to follow the whisper into the wilderness, and Rahab to recognize and serve the Lord. The close of this epic chapter reminds us those who live by faith will suffer. But, we are part of a great Kingdom. Each one of us is a link and we will join the Great Cloud of Witnesses.

It hit me, as I read the latter chapters, faith isn’t a feeling. Faith is world view and life style.