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Vol III: #64 Divorce Is Bad

Today, an idiot, duly elected by people in Georgia, expressed her belief the United States should be split into Red and Blue states. She called for a “national divorce” which means she wants to see the end of the United States as we know it. She went on to say she spoke to people everyday who share her perspective. To say these things on Presidents Day, to invalidate the work and sacrifice of men and woman dating back almost two-hundred and fifty years, is disheartening and alarming to me.

The thing is, I understand the sentiment given by the representative from Georgia. I had similar thoughts and ideas for a while. I too saw the gap between right and left as unfixable, and then I decided to believe in hope and truth. Almost 150 years ago, southern men wanted their own country, to live as they saw fit. A violent and bloody Civil War crushed those aspirations and left a scar still visible on the souls of native southerners. And the fight to keep the Union intact was the right fight. President Lincoln was right. A divided United States doesn’t help defeat Germany in World War I or World War II. And we aren’t strong enough to stand up to the Communists. Yes. Lincoln was right.

Whatever we think about our political opponents, we need each other. Liberals need conservatives to remind them of immutable rights like free speech and religious conviction. And conservatives need liberals to remind them that all people are God’s people. You can’t just treat people however you like because they come from another country or have a different world view or skin tone. And let me be clear, I don’t like the progressive, woke, anti-constitutional tone currently leading the American left. They bother me as much as the nationalist, cultish leanings of the modern GOP.

The world needs US. Together. One nation, under God. Even if some don’t believe in it.