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Fun Friday #2: Cool Mornings

Wednesday morning, I stepped outside and was met by a brisk breeze. And, I shivered just a little bit. Since I started getting up extra early for work, I’ve begun to enjoy the morning, again. 5 AM in Redding is cool and still, even in the middle of the most blistering summer yet. I get an odd satisfaction over wearing sweatshirts in July.

What I love about getting up early is the how it breaks up the heat. The high may reach above one-ten, but to me, that day was also 65. 78, 81. and 90 degrees long before it peaks. So, despite being cliche, I’m going write it anyway. I love dry heat. I love being able to splash my face with water and have it feel refreshing. I like that my body natural cooling system aka thermoregulation works much more efficiently her that in humid climates. (Thermoregulation is the ridiculous word for sweating and breathing hard and heat-reducing blood flow to the skin.)

Thank God for cool mornings.