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Vol II: #62 Church People Are My Kryptonite

A near universal truth about God is you will often receive the very opposite of what you ask for in prayer. Want patience? Get ready to receive delayed events, long lines, and the wrong people asking for help. Want to learn to love? Prepare to be tested by people who’s disposition and actions turn love into a choice rather than a willing donation. Praying for riches? Then do well with the $5 in your pocket.

This season in my life- which is near an end- continues to give me opportunities to love people who do not understand me nor have they earned my respect. My defensive brain wants to protect my hurting heart. But, that’s the thing: love and honor are not about what someone deserves or earned.

Love is a command given by Jesus the Christ to all people. And, it’s easy to for me to love people who love me- my parents who support me, my awesome friends that check-in when I’m sick or hurting, and my kind neighbors. But, churchy leaders? They are my kryptonite, ever since I ten.

I know what my “deal” is. My deal is I believe a lie about what it means to disagree with leadership. So the problem isn’t them. It’s me. I’m the problem. I’m the one who believes a lie and then tries to defend it. So, rather than stew like an idiot, I choose the goodness of God…which is demonstrated by seeing the opportunities presented in this moment.

My first opportunity is to find peace in what the Lord revealed and encouraged in me, regardless of how confident or wrong a leader is. I get to grow my trust in Him and what He says to me. Secondly, I am given the great responsibility to intercede for those who need it. (And yes, I believe it is ok to say “they messed up.” Pretending leaders are infallible doesn’t help us or them.) My complaints are nothing but praises to the enemy.