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Journal: Celebrate #250

Today, I celebrate Journal post 250. And, after some proper calculations, I am still on pace for 330 posts by July 11th. Why July 11th? Because. I started this blog on July 11th, 2020. It’s a date that changed my history.

I am proud of what I’ve accomplished the last nine months. Through considerable highs and lows, I continue to write and express. It serves my heart as only I can.

Mostly, I’m proud I decided to put my faith in the Lord. He’s the one shining a light on the dark rooms of my heart. He says, “Remember this?” And, either instantly or eventually, I recall what’s in these forgotten chambers. The writer. The artist. The man who’s greatest life goal is “to love people.” The analytical. The emotional. The visionary. The strong. The brave. The faithful. The prophetic. The worshipper.

On days such as this, when I survey my life, the empty room in which I sit, it may appear as though I’m drifting through life. I feel lost and alone. But, it isn’t true. I’m hiking my mountain. My hand in His.

I’ve come a long way over the last 3-4 years. This post, #250 is proof. I’m not the same cynical, angry man I was. I’m daring myself to live on the edge of what I believe and who I am. On occasion, it’s fucking scary.

The trick of gratitude is to engage it everyday. I’m thankful I’ve written 250 posts. Writing this post caused me to recall my writing journey of the last year and beyond. It’s good to see the path I’ve walked and know the goodness of the Lord through it.

Thank you Lord. Thank you for everything. Literally. Everything.