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Vol II: #89 Blessed To Be An American

The more I love Jesus, the less attached I feel to a worldly identity. Put another way, I don’t see myself as a sports fan or southern or as a foodie. I like sports though I watch less every year. And, I love food despite learning to love the most common ingredients and recipes. The last ten years taught me to love and appreciate different aspects of life without making them a major part of my identity.

Accordingly, the idea of “proud to be an American” seems more foreign than ever. (And, if it needs to be said, I am not ashamed to an American.) My country of birth is a wonderful gift from God, passed to me by immigrants from Europe. And, what a beautiful country it is- the people and land. But, pride? No. Patriotism and/or nationalism are not Biblical in any capacity. The New Testament is clear on this. Jesus first, then Paul, make explicit where our hearts and heads should focus: the Lord and His Kingdom. This isn’t to say we can’t value our homeland. But, my aim is to value the Lord and His people over any place and its laws and culture.

What I want to say is I am blessed to be an American. And every blessing from the Lord is a responsibility. Every American Christian owes the Lord interest on the gift He gave us for which we will give account for when we pass on. I believe, with our eyes on the Lord, we can navigate this age without swearing allegiance to any party or person. And may we never lose sight of the fact that our biggest impact will be on our families, neighbors, and coworkers. Love conquers all and is more powerful than money or sin or votes.