Vol IV: #14 Being Creative

I’ve tried to write this post for over a f-cking hour and now I’m pissed. The only point I want to make is that some of my personal stories are more difficult to write than others. I experience old feelings I’d rather forget and it sucks. And then I feel guilty, like I did something wrong because I feel the way I do even though I’m not looking to be avenged. And I realize I wrote about this last week. But that was last week, when I wrote stories about people long out of my life. A more taxing story is one containing people still in my life, one way or another.

And maybe I should protect them. Who am I to be use my friends and families as props like a young mom uses her kids on TikTok? After all, when I step out of my anxiety and shed a rigid interpretation of “being honest,” that’s when I get to be creative. Isn’t that what good authors do- use personal experience and knowledge in universally creative ways?

I believe it is.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol IV: #15 43 Bits of Nikdom


Short: Saying Goodbye, Part 1.