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Vol III: #3 Back At Living

This post took a while to write. More accurately, I had a hard time deciding what to write. My brain is stuck in a timezone over the Atlantic and God only knows when I’ll rediscover my usual sleep pattern. What I want is to organize my thoughts about the trip and what I expect moving onward. But, I decided to be gracious toward myself and relax while I can.

Of all that happened during my travels, I’m happy I was patient with my circumstances. Each stop had its flaws: Paris was sweaty and crowded. Nepal was wild, chaotic, and challenged my digestive system. And in Germany, life moved at a leisurely pace. (In fact, flying from Nepal to Germany was like going to library after spending the night at a cock fight. I needed a day to adjust to the quiet of the rolling farmland.) In addition to the adjustments needed for each culture, I faced the usual downfalls of the western traveler- bad food, lost luggage, delays, rude ticket and hotel agents, and all types of people trying to hustle the foreign guy for a dollar.

My favorite hustler was a skinny Nepalese man who’s main tactic was to stand- arms folded- in my line of sight. He tried to stare me down while looking as impoverished as he could. I had to keep from laughing every time he tried to shake me down. My local grocery store in Redding has at least 5-6 aggressive beggars in the parking lot. They use shame and guilt and sob stories to secure their next hit. My poor Nepali needed something better than folded arms and a glare.

I want to write more about my travels. But, right now, I’m having a hard time putting thoughts together. My mind feels scattered and displaced. I wanted to write something today, and I did, though it isn’t cohesive. LOL. Perhaps tomorrow. For now, I’m happy to post this ramble which I now see has little to do with my title.