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Journal: #266 An Odd Forward Move

A short yet significant post will do today. I’m officially happy to announce I internet-stalked someone for the first time in a few years. Felt good. Felt like I’m moving forward. She’s a friend of a friend…of a friend. Odds are I’ll never meet her, but it was nice to be slightly interested in someone new. And who knows, stranger things have happened.

I will now take time to explain exactly what I mean by “internet-stalked.” It’s 2021. Everyone googles the name of a person of interest. It’s what we do. I did it to my last girlfriend and she admitted she googled my name too. In my case it’s simple fact-finding. Now that I’ve done it, I’ll move on. All I did was look to confirm my impression. And, yes. She seems like a cool lady. It’s a good reminder. There are lots of cool ladies out there.