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Vol III: #27 150 Days Of Goals

On March 24th of next year, I plan to be on my way to New Zealand. Some old friends founded a school there and I’m keen to give it a visit. From New Zealand I’ll head to a Middle Eastern country to visit more friends. The prospect of a trip to Middle Earth (where the Lord of the Rings were filmed) and the land of the Bible is exciting*. And, this trip will involve a number of firsts for me, like flying over the Pacific Ocean, traveling to the southern hemisphere, and first true visit to a Muslim country. If I have my way we will also make a quick trek to the southern Turkey, which I am told is quiet and peaceful.

Last Monday(October 24th), it occurred to me my trip is 150 days away. And, I wondered what can I do over the next five months that will draw me closer to some of my goals? Immediately, several ideas popped to the top and I will share them with you now. My reason for sharing my new short-term goals is so I have a measure of accountability. And now, without further delay:

  1. 150 Yoga sessions. Of all the exercises I’ve learned and enjoyed, yoga is my favorite.

  2. 150 interpreted Psalms. I’ll post these everyday like I have since Monday. I started at Psalm 121. Can’t wait til Psalm 119…

  3. No added sugar, alcohol, or fast food. This ought to be easy enough as I don’t eat much added sugar or drink a lot of alcohol. The only challenge will be life without Taco Bell. We all have a weakness.

  4. 10,000 steps every day.

That’s it. Nothing fancy or original. I just like having a deadline- a point in the future to aim at. And, I’ll update y’all along the way.

*I’m not sure how much I can say about my trip to the Middle East. The internet is a silly place and I’m going to protect my friends.