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A: Beginning

He stared at the blank canvas while the cursor blinked. Patiently it awaited orders. The captain drew a cool breath through his teeth and studied what lie ahead.

“It is easy to begin a trek, when my pride isn’t on the line,” he conceded to the cold empty room.

“It is easier to follow, to hide in the shadow of another, a bold one, willing to smash through the wind when it blows. What if I fail? What if my words are dull, my sentences boring, and my story too colorless for anyone to notice it? Yes. It easier to fail at the tasks handed to me by another. But to fail at this?” 

The terror exposed, the captain readied his troops. Carefully he placed each finger into formation on the keys. “This is not a small battle. It’s not a sprint. There will be no flash of brilliance,” he declared. Today marks the first of many. Whatever joy produced will be from the commitment and the doing. 

 Faithfully he typed, A: Beginning.